Welcome to the CRGC Pistol League Page

The pistol league meets every Thursday night in the indoor pistol range (see the scheduled reserved time on the Club calendar). The main purpose of the pistol league is to develop skill and safety in precision target shooting and partake in supervised fun shooting. Throughout the year we run a “Bullseye League” program. This runs for 10 sessions. Beginning (approximately the first day of) Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.Pistol League members swap tips and information on shooting, new products, reloading and whatever else comes up.
Bullseye Program
A large emphasis is put on accuracy and precision through steady breath, sight picture and trigger control and fixed and relatively long time limits give competitors time to concentrate for a perfect shot.
The CRGC Pistol League starts new sessions of the Winchester/NRA MARKSMANSHIP QUALIFICATION PROGRAM (Bullseye) in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Watch for Club eBlasts for dates. The “Bullseye” session is a 10 week course and is a skill development program as well as a good tool for new shooters.
The bullseye course runs on Thursday nights from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. The location is the Indoor Pistol Range.
The caliber is .22 rimfire. However, after the rim-fire course, we run a course for center fire handguns to accommodate those who do not have a .22 rim-fire or who wish to do both.
The course of fire is based on three targets, one slow fire, one timed fire, and one rapid fire at 50’. The range commands are:
- Slow fire consists of firing 5 rounds and a second 5 rounds at will in 10 minutes.
- Timed fire consists of firing 5 rounds in 20 Sec. and then a second 5 rounds in 20 Sec.
- Rapid fire consists of firing 5 rounds in 10 Sec. and then a second 5 rounds in 20 Sec.
Scores are tallied at the end.
Join me at the Indoor Pistol Range.
Indoor Pistol Range Qualification is required.
Click below to download and complete the Sign Up Form. You will submit your participant Payment on Sign-up Night.
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